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We may be small in number, but mighty in service.  Here are a list of just a few of our current ministries.

Sunday Church School


Every Sunday at 9:15 a.m., members and friends are welcome to study God's word before morning worship service.  Weekly lessons are discussed and respectful dialogue is encouraged.  Continental breakfast is also served.  Please join us as we "study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

Safety Awareness

Created as a pastoral response to the widespread issue of sexual misconduct in churches, the Safety Awareness Ministry was founded to educate and protect young people and adults from sexual abuse.

The work of the committee has led to the creation of policy used across denomination lines and the annual "Walk of Hope" in recognition of National Child Abuse Prevention Month.



The music ministry is a cherished gift from the Lord and to the Lord. Mrs. Doris Nichols Smith serves as Minister of Music.  Choir rehearsal is held every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m., unless noted.  If you are interested in joining the choir, please contact Mrs. Smith.

Community Service


We, at St. Mark, recognize the need in our surrounding community and try to help as much as possible.  For three months this summer of 2014, we served as a location for the City of Chicago's Summer Food Service Program.  Every August, we host a Back to School Festival for the children in the Greater Grand Crossing neighborhood.  This is just a snapshot of our initiatives.

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